Have you ever wondered where we get our ideas for our fun attractions like our amazing water slides, new indoor go-karts, Marshall Training Lazer Maze and OK Corral Lazer Tag Arena? Once a year, members of our management team attend the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) has an annual convention.
There over 1,000 exhibitors at this show with displays of products and services for us to consider for our property. We often compare the feeling we get attending this trade show to that adrenaline rush you used to get as a child when you walked into a really HUMONGOUS toy store.
Ok, we’ll admit it right now, we have a ton of fun walking through the aisles at IAAPA exploring at all of the latest and greatest ideas. And, sometimes we even convince the vendors to let our team try out some of the really cool toys…er, attractions… while we are there!
Yes, attending IAAPA is definitely one of the highlights of our year. It gives us the chance to have a little fun while trying to decide what attractions and amenities will be the most fun for you at our resort. Ah yes, it’s a tough job but somebody has to do it! Please remember, the Wilderness management team takes having fun seriously!