Wilderness Influencer Program



Our PR/Marketing team loves working with influencers and we recognize the valuable impact they can have on our resorts and waterparks.

If you would like to work with us, please review our requirements and complete the submission form below.

Our influencer requirements include:

  • Your social pages must be family friendly and focus on travel/adventure or family fun
  • Your social pages must have a MINIMUM combined reach of 35,000 across all social platforms and you must be posting regularly on these channels. If you do not have this reach please do not submit an application.
  • If you only have a blog it must have at least 75,000 unique visitors per month and you must be posting new content on it regularly.
  • You haven’t visited/posted on any of our competitors within 6 months of your visit to our facility.

If we chose to work with you, we will be offering you a discounted rates or complimentary stay at our discretion depending on your following. However, these stays cannot be during holidays and will not include vouchers for food.

In exchange for your discounted or comped stay we will be asking you to post:

  • One permanent reel or video within 14 days of your stay
  • Publish your blog post with in 30 days of your visit (and allow us to fact check it prior to publishing)

Influencer Application

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